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DENTAL KURARAY CLEARFIL AP-X Syringe 2ml A3 Radiopaque Restorative Resin 1722KA Hot on Sale
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DENTAL KURARAY CLEARFIL AP-X Syringe 2ml A3 Radiopaque Restorative Resin 1722KA
Expired in 2018 or better
CLEARFIL AP-XÂ is a light-cure, radiopaque restorative resin, which provides accurate color matching, high polishability and excellent physical properties, making it suitable for both anterior and posterior restorations.
It is formulated with optimal viscosity for easy handling and placement.
Accurate color matching
- High strength and durability
- High polishability
- Easy handling
- No stickiness to instruments
- Sufficient radiopacity
- Superior physical properties
- Class I, II, V cavities of posterior teeth
- Class III, IV, V cavities of anterior teeth
- Cervical cavities (WSD*) involving root services
- * wedge shaped defect
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